How to take Kansai Nerolac Paint Dealership ?

Paint Dealership Business

Paint Dealership Business

Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited (formerly known as Goodlass Nerolac Paints Ltd) is the largest industrial paint and third largest decorative paint company of India.

Subsidiary of Kansai Paint of Japan. Founded by Katsujiro Iwai in Amagasaki city, Japan. Six paint manufacturing plants and 7 contract manufacturers. Huge production of different varieties of paint.

One of the top brands in India. Innovative campaigns to attract customers. Maintained its quality and focused on manufacturing effective and beautiful paint colors.

Why choose Nerolac Paint ?

Eligibility Criteria

Should Knowledge about the Paint Business. Should be business minded and have an idea of marketing.


Proper Investment & Space. Important Document. Worker & Equipments

Painting Residential And Commercial Bradenton Exterior Condominium Painters Bradenton GIF

Painting Residential And Commercial Bradenton Exterior Condominium Painters Bradenton GIF

Space Required for  Paint Shop:

* Shop: 150-200 sq ft. * Godown: 450-600 sq ft.

– ID & Address Proof  – Photo, Email, Mobile No. – Cancel Cheque. – GST  – Outlet Trade license

Documents Required:


Initial Stock Purchase: 2 -3 lakhs + GST Color mixing machine: 1.5 to 2 lakh. Shop Interior: 1 -1.5 lakh. Other Expenses: 80,000/-

You can start by Investing upto 20 lakhs.

Profits & Margin:

You can expect a profit margin of approximately 10% to 15% on Nerolac paint dealership.

500rupees Indian Indian Money GIF

500rupees Indian Indian Money GIF

Process To get Nerolac Paint Dealership:

Apply for Dealership. They will survey your area. Approval Agreement signing Shop Setup  Training for sales Process take 30 days

How to apply for the Nerolac Paint Dealership?

To get the Nerolac paint dealership, first of all, you need to contact your area sales manager. You can get his number by submitting a query form.

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