How to apply for the Splice Ply Dealership?
How to get Splice Ply Dealership?
Splice Products Pvt. Limited having Registered office in Gorakhpur running under the Brand name ‘SPLICE PLY’ is one of the leading manufacturers of Ply, Boards, Flush Doors and an extensive range of Laminated Doors including those of Decorative Laminated Doors, Designed Glazed Doors, HDF Skin Doors, Laminated Jali Doors, Moulded HDF Panel Doors, PVC Membrane Doors, Solid Doors, Solid Panel Doors.

- These products, manufactured under the brand name ‘Splice’ have been trusted for Quality and Finish among diverse end- users and professionals across India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and Nepal.
- Also have the capacity to manufacture and supply the products, customized in accordance with the Special Needs of the Projects as well as of End Users, subject to the quantity thereof being substantial and commercially viable.
In this post we will discuss that if you are wish to open a ply shop or have already a ply shop then you can choose the splice ply dealership to get a good profits and margin. We give all the information about the Splice ply dealership cost, profit, products, and documents required in details.
What is Splice Ply Dealership?
Under dealership, many companies who want to spread his network, but they cannot reach every people alone, so offers dealership option and give rights to the public to sell its products in market without paying any extra fee.
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Products Available:

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Security Deposit:
- Prospective dealers have to pay a Security Deposit to the Company, amounting to a minimum of 3,00,000.00 (Rupees three lacs only).
- Company will provide you the products like door, ply & etc of Rs 2.5 lac against your security deposit and Rest amount of Rs 50,000 will be locked money with 5% annual interest.
- Value of the materials, to be supplied to the Dealers, shall not exceed to the said Security
Space Requirement:
- Prospective Dealers must have their own premises for Display Outlets, measuring 500 Ft. or above for Company’s Product’s Display. Such Display Outlet must be developed and maintained in accordance with the Company’s pre-defined specifications and standards.
- For development and maintenance of Display-Outlet as above, the Prospective Dealers must invest an amount, equal to 40% of the Security Deposit. The Company shall contribute 40% of such expenditures incurred, subject to a maximum of 200,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh only). The Company shall either issue a Credit Note against its share of such amount or supply the material for the value.
Profit Margin:
- Splice Ply company provides 15% profit margin of different – different products.
- Also provide Cash discount up to 4% against advance payment of your order.
Sales & Marketing Support:
- The Company will provide comprehensive Sales Support to the dealers through various means including those of Social Media as well as its own Sales & Marketing.
- The Company shall nor bear the cost, if any, incurred by the Dealers on their own, for Business Promotion concerning Products or Establishment.
Effective from – 18.01.2021 | |
Magic – 3% (Proforma Invoice above 80000) | |
Pickup – 4% (Proforma Invoice above 1.40 lakh) | |
407 – 5% (Proforma Invoice above 2.50 lakh) | |
DCM (9 Ton) – 6% (Proforma Invoice above 5 lakh) | |
Truck (15 Ton) – 7% (Proforma Invoice above 8 lakh) | |
Magic – 3% (Proforma Invoice above 80000) | |
Pickup – 4% (Proforma Invoice above 1.40 lakh) | |
407 – 5% (Proforma Invoice above 2.50 lakh) | |
DCM (9 Ton) – 6% (Proforma Invoice above 5 lakh) | |
Truck (15 Ton) – 7% (Proforma Invoice above 8 lakh) | |
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2- Above price is Ex-Factory. | |
3- GST is included. | |
4- Basic Discount in Ply,Board & Doors is 25% | |
5- Basic Discount in Designer Doors & windowis 15% | |
6- Quantity Discount eligible after deduction of Basic Discount. | |
7- Cash Discount eligible after deduction of Basic Discount and then deduction of Quantity Discount. |
How to apply for the Splice Ply Dealership?
To apply for the dealership you can fill the sidebar form “Apply for the franchise” Our team will help you in process of dealership.
Or call on this number to take Splice ply dealership (+91) 8756332817.
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